Category Archives: Creative Exmoor


Thank you to Chris Jelley of Storywalks for sending in the latest news about Poetry Pin…

A new year and the launch of Exeter City Poetry Pin – the first virtual poetry city has happened and with such a great reception too. As of writing, the poetry pool has been open just seven days and already has over 60 poems pinned across the city.

So what is Exeter Poetry Pin, and how does it link with Storywalks?

Well firstly, these are parallel projects which do a very similar thing, i.e. geo tag content to place. In respect of Storywalks, these are trails which pupils can edit and then re-write, and are specifically designed for use in the classroom – so very focused and appropriate content. As for Poetry Pin the systems tags words to the authors physical location by using the GPS in their smart phone. The Poetry Pin is open to the public without restriction, so anyone with a smart phone can visit the trails (there are now three) and post poems inside.

So how did Exeter become the first Poetry City?

After the terrible fire at the Royal Clarence Hotel, Exeter city councillors saw the Exmoor Poetry Boxes on national TV and wondered whether a similar approach could capture the sentiment of the disaster. It was decided that boxes were perhaps less appropriate in the city. The Exeter Poetry Pin went live on the 9th January 2017.

Who can use it?

Anyone with a smart phone, just travel to the city, visit the web page Go seek out poems pinned across the city, then pin your own.

Is it appropriate for school children?

The Exeter Poetry Pin is public, and open to all so it is quite possible that someone may add some content which is not appropriate for younger eyes. But that said, at the bottom of each poem is a button to ‘flag’ inappropriate content. With a whole city let loose publishing poems we needed a way to allow the audience to monitor and flag poems which were inappropriate, and so far this has been really successful. When a poem is flagged it is immediately removed from the field, plus there are profanity filters which block poems with specific words inside, keeping the system as clean as can be (hopefully!)

How long is the project going to last?

The Exeter Poetry Pin is open for at least a year and we are hoping to do some school workshops in the spring time with Daisi – Devon arts inspired learning. Please get in touch to note your interest.

More about Storywalks here, and of course [if you work in a school] I would love to come and visit you, get your pupils writing out in the wild, with poems and tales.

Kind regards

Christopher Jelley

Fantastic Performances of ‘Lorna Doone’

Blundell’s school play, ‘Lorna Doone’, played to capacity audiences and received standing ovations when it was recently performed by students in Years 11-13.  The production was based on the book written by R.D. Blackmore, who attended the school from 1837 and who set early parts of the book at Blundell’s, as the scene of hero John Ridd’s schooldays.

It is the first time that the school has performed this epic drama and was chosen to celebrate the first 25 years of the school’s purpose-built theatre, Ondaatje Hall.  Amongst the guests for the gala reception on the final night of the play were pupils and staff who had been involved in the very first performance at the theatre.

The play tells the story of John’s love for Lorna Doone, one of the notorious Doone clan of Exmoor, against a backdrop of the Monmouth rebellion in the seventeenth century. The play was directed by James Rochfort, the school’s resident professional actor, whose theatre credits include the National Theatre’s Olivier award-winning All My Sons and leading roles on television including EastEnders, Lewis and the title role in Channel 4’s Snowdon and Margaret.

Evenings@ThePavilion Events in November

Lynmouth Pavilion has been running fortnightly evening talks since January 2014 covering fascinating topics all about Exmoor’s heritage, including smuggling, lime kilns, angling, archaeology, shipping, climbing, paddle steamers, silver mines and, most recently, Exmoor’s amazing woodlands. These evening events are informal, entertaining, very informative and free! They start at 7pm every other Thursday.

Louise Reynolds from the Lynmouth Pavilion Project says: “Speakers have travelled from near and far to entertain and inform the audience and the talks programme is continuing throughout the winter with a varied line-up of excellent speakers.

“We look forward to continuing to welcome everyone throughout the winter and, as the Lynmouth Pavilion is a dog-friendly venue do please do bring along the furry members of your family too.”

The next Evening@ThePavilion talk is on Thursday 13 November at 7pm when the National Park’s conservation manager Rob Wilson-North will be discussing Exmoor’s wonderful Woodland Heritage.

Local author Victoria Eveleigh is the guest speaker on Thursday 27 November (7pm) with stories from an Exmoor Hill Farm.

The talks are free, but please book on 01598 752509 to secure a place.

Tales of the Exmoor Coast
As a grand finale to their ‘coastal’ themed year 1, Lynmouth Pavilion Project are teaming up with National Park ranger, Tim Parish, to explore all local myths. stories, facts and legends about Exmoor’s coast.

Do you know anything about Exmoor’s coast? Then come along and share your tales, photos and stories over mulled wine and a mince pie. The evening runs from 4pm til 7pm upstairs at Lynmouth Pavilion on 22nd November.

Louise says: “Volunteers will be on hand to record your stories using dictaphones (if you want them to) and help scan in your photos. We will even have a place to record you on film if you like!

“We’ll be bringing large maps of the coast which we can write on and we’re really hoping it will be an evening to bring together, share and record as many coastal stories as possible. If you don’t have anything to share please feel free to just come along and enjoy the stories. For more information and to book, please phone 01598 752509.”

The National Park Centre in Dulverton is open daily except Thursdays and Sundays from 10am to 2pm and in Dunster the Centre is open on weekends only during November – 10am to 2pm.

Watchet’s Architectural Concept Designs Revealed

Two new schemes that aim to bring economic and social regeneration to West Somerset have been unveiled by Onion Collective CIC, the team working on community-led regeneration in Watchet.

The architectural designs have been created by architect, lecturer and broadcaster Piers Taylor from Invisible Studio, presenting a vision of renewed industry and activity for the East Quay, and Louise Crossman Architects who have designed an extension to the historic Boat Museum. Both schemes will be presented by the architects at an open meeting on Thursday 20 November, 7.30pm at the Pheonix Centre.

The East Quay scheme sits alongside the current dry dock area operated by Watchet Harbour Marina, and seeks to complement current marina activities.

The scheme has three distinct elements. A ‘Work Foundry’ comprises communal makerspace, studios and co-working space housing year-round projects of skills sharing and apprenticeships. This space also incorporates a café/restaurant, public courtyards and walkways, as well as high-quality marina facilities. An expanded Contains Art building and gallery located in the centre of the scheme will provide low-cost, flexible workspace for artists and craftspeople to make and sell their work. The third element is an extraordinary and iconic ‘walkway to the sky’ containing bespoke accommodation pods, and offering exceptional places to stay. This Vantage Point would act as a beacon, attracting visitors from far and wide to climb to the top and experience unsurpassed views of the town’s natural beauty.

The architecture for this project specifically references Watchet’s geology and character. The Work Foundry design was inspired by the rock formations of the blue lias strata on Watchet’s shoreline, the Contains Art building echoes traditional wharfside design, its lightweight structure allows for the low-cost and flexible space artists need, and the Vantage Point reflects the lighthouse and steep rise of the nearby cliffs.

Architect Piers Taylor says: “This is an amazing and exciting opportunity for Watchet to use architecture and design to empower an entire community. I’m thrilled that I can be part of this, and it’s a joy to be working with Onion Collective on one of the most exciting community led coastal regeneration projects in the United Kingdom, which hopefully will act as a catalyst for continuing growth and change for Watchet. The buildings include bold propositions, but similarly belong to the architecture and character of Watchet. They speak of its geology, geography and rich cultural history. “

Onion Collective are also working on new architectural designs for an extension to Watchet’s historic Boat Museum which are being created by Louise Crossman Architects. The extension will house a new visitor centre and help to tell the story of Watchet’s rich heritage. Acting to complement the current TIC facilities on the Esplanade it will help to direct visitors to the TIC as well as hightlight the important role transport has played in Watchet’s History. It will act as a welcome to the town, and help to improve the flow of visitors to the top of Swain Street.

Originally designed by Brunel, the Boat Museum started life as a goods shed, built in 1862 as a terminus for the Bristol and Exeter Railway. Louise will also draw out plans to restore the original building, improving the structure of original walls and the facilities inside (providing plumbing for example), whilst aiming to retain the authentic quality of the current experience. The design will also provide a more aesthetic welcome to visitors as they arrive by car, coach or rail.

The proposed schemes have evolved from months of community consultation, and respond directly to the expressed needs of local people. These schemes are only two of four proposed projects for the town; for more information go to the Onion Collective website at

As well as the public meeting on Thursday 20 November the concept designs will also be open for viewing at Onion Collective’s offices 41b Swain Street on Friday 21 November 10am-4pm and Saturday 22 November 10am-1pm. Stay in touch with how the project progresses on the Onion Collective website by following them on Facebook (/OnionCollective) or via Twitter (@onioncollective) or sign up to their newsletter at

Folk Dance – For Beginners

Halsway Manor is well known nationally as a centre for folk arts, with people travelling from all over the UK and beyond to take part in residential courses in traditional dance, music, song and more. This December there’s a chance for anyone – all ages and abilities – to come along to the Manor to try folk dance in a special short course for complete beginners, and there are great prices for local day visitors to come too!

‘Country Dancing for Absolute Beginners’ (1-4 Dec) is a fun, practical introduction to the world of traditional English social dancing – country dancing, barn dancing, ceilidh and more – all set to wonderful live music. You can bring a friend, a partner, or come alone and make new friends. You’ll learn simple steps and discover more about our dancing heritage – but most of all our expert teachers’ aim is to get you dancing and enjoying yourself, a great way to keep fit, healthy and active, and to meet new people!

The course begins on Monday 1 December, with a welcome dinner at 6.30pm followed by introductions and an evening dance session. Tuesday 2 and Wednesday 3 December are both packed with workshops and activities all day and into the evening – but will be taught at a pace to suit the group, and there will be plenty of breaks to relax and recover! Refreshments, buffet lunch and delicious home-cooked evening meals are included on both Tuesday and Wednesday (all diets catered for).

The course is taught by Kerry Fletcher and Clare Parker: Kerry is a traditional dancer and workshop leader, experienced in many styles, from waltzing to clogging. Clare is Halsway Manor’s Youth Dance Associate. She is an independent dance artist, choreographer and teacher working throughout the South West and beyond. Music is provided by Dave Shepherd, one of the UK’s finest fiddle players and a member of well-known European traditional dance band Blowzabella.

The residential price for the course (arrive Monday at 4pm, depart after breakfast on Thursday) is £130 – £160 per person. There is a special price for non-residents of £80, to cover tuition, all meals and activities, from Monday through to the end of Wednesday evening.
To make a booking please phone Viv Butler, Events and booking Manager on 01984 618274 or email with your requirements.

Have a Bash at Exmoor Bunting!

Calling all 4-12 year olds, join in the fun and design your very own bunting in the Exmoor Bunting Competition.

Jess Twydall from the Lynmouth Pavilion Project explains: “The design could be an animal, your favourite place, the tallest tree – just use your imagination and send us a design.”
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The winning entries will be selected to make up a beautiful bunting of Exmoor. Youngsters wishing to take part should send their entries with their age and a contact telephone number to Exmoor Bunting, Lynmouth Pavilion Project, The Esplanade, Lynmouth EX35 6EQ or email:

The competition closes on 30 November 2014.

Call for Local Artists to Showcase their Work

From film and photography to ceramics and silverwork, the hunt is on for the area’s finest artists to feature in the 13th North Devon Open Art Show.

The show, run by the Museum of Barnstaple and North Devon, is open to amateur and professional artists working in all types of media. The chosen artists will have their work displayed as part of the popular art exhibition, running at the museum throughout January and February 2015.
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Contributors should either be local residents, or the work should be created or inspired by northern Devon, Exmoor and Lundy Island.

Executive Member for Culture, Councillor Derrick Spear, says: “The North Devon Open Art Show is a fantastic opportunity to discover the creative genius of our region and features both professional and new artists working with a wide variety of media.”

Julian Vayne, Education and Outreach officer at the museum, says: “We are looking for a body of work rather than just a single piece, unless it’s an installation or large sculpture. This can be in any media including crafts, jewellery, digital art, sound, internet and networks, film and photography. The more variety the better! It’s a great opportunity for up and coming artists to showcase their work.”

Closing date for entries is Saturday 6 December 2014.  The chosen artists will be selected by a panel of judges made up of representatives from the museum, Petroc’s School of Art and North Devon Arts.
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For more information phone 01271 346747, email or download an application form online at

IMAGE: Dentail from Roger Humphries’ The Ancient Mariner, Open Art Show 2013.

Author Event at Number Seven with Nicola Davies and Jackie Morris

Somethingaboutabear1Author Jackie Morris is returning to Number Seven Dulverton on Thursday 9 October to celebrate the publication of her latest picture book Something About a Bear.  As well as signing copies of her books which are published worldwide, Jackie will be talking about her inspiration and demonstrating the art of watercolour – her preferred medium for all her illustrations.
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She is to be joined by award-winning author Nicola Davies.

NicoladaviesNicola, like Jackie, has a passion for wildlife and her publications reflect this. The Promise won the 2014 English Association Picture Book award for best fiction and her book of poems entitled A First Book of Nature was winner of the Independent Booksellers Best Picture Book of 2014. 

If you are unable to make it us but would still like signed and dedicated copies of any of these titles simply call the shop on 01398 324457; you can either collect them at a later date or they can pop them in the post to you – P&P £2.00 within the UK.
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Further details can be found on the shop’s blog link below.

Make the Most of Open Studios This Weekend!

We are now well into Somerset Arts Weeks, which runs until 5 October and which this years follows the format of Open Studios. Davina Jelley explains:

Perusing the guide for this year’s Somerset Art Weeks, you cannot fail to realise that the majority of artists living and working in the region are inspired by the landscape.
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Sometimes we are all too familiar with where we live; we are all creatures of habit.  The beauty of Art Weeks is that it makes us explore, drive to forgotten destinations, discover hidden corners and quirky pubs.  Encouraging us to look with fresh eyes, art allows the artist to translate this land of contrast for us – whether it be through photography and film, paper sculpture, clay, painting or printmaking.  Some 32 of the 200-plus venues taking part this year are located in West Somerset, featuring work by 40 local talented and professional artists; there is something to suit all tastes and budgets.

This year Art Works takes the form of Open Studios, a rare opportunity for you to visit the creative inner hub.  Some are cluttered and chaotic, others organised and methodical depending on process and personality.  There is great joy to be derived from witnessing where the transformation of ideas into reality takes shape.  Of course some of the artists paint on location or, as artist Alison Jacobs likes to describe it, en plein air.  She can often be spotted in Watchet sketching on her iPad; this work she then transcribes onto large canvasses, painting with acrylics, combining
hi-tech with traditional methods.
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To plan your artistic explorations pick up a SAW guide in your local shop or you can send for one by calling 01458 253800.  You can also visit the website:

PICTURED: Work by Lucy Pendrick

Coleridge Way Exhibition Opens Tomorrow for Porlock Arts Festival

Don’t miss Churchgate Gallery’s exhibition, ‘The Coleridge Way’, which opens tomorrow.

This exhibition, which has been planned to celebrate the recent extension of the Coleridge Way from Porlock to Lynmouth, will be part of this weekend’s Porlock Arts Festival (25-28 September) and will then continue until 11 October.
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Painters, print makers, jewellers, ceramicists, sculptors, film makers and installation artists have been invited to take part.

Culture, fun and entertainment in equal measure will all be part of the twelfth annual Porlock Arts Festival this year.

Winners of the 2014 BBC Best Folk Duo, Philip Henry and Hannah Martin kick things off with an eclectic set of their own and traditional folk material.  Storytelling forms an important part of the Festival and there will be opportunities to interact and engage with writers from different backgrounds and perspectives.  Christopher Jelley is creating a story trail with help from St Dubricius pupils.

Join caller Ray Goodswen for a Ceilidh, which in ancient Gaelic speak is another name for a social gathering.  Ceilidhs don’t necessarily have to have dancing but Porlock’s does!  So, if you enjoy a knees-up head down to Porlock Village Hall on Friday 26 September at 7.30pm.

Poetry will take centre stage with Midnight Skies, Exmoor in Verse being read by the poets that contributed to the anthology published in 2013.  Local photographer Maureen Harvey will provide a stunning backdrop of remarkable photographs and slides that promises to make the event a truly memorable one.
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Author Michael Ridpath will talk about his life as a crime writer and rock biographer and Philip Norman will be talking about his amazing body of work which includes the definitive Beatles biography Shout.  Both Michael and Philip will be taking questions at the end of their talks.

Sunday 28 September will see Chris Chapman presenting his film ‘How Many People See the Stars as I Do?’, which showcases the extraordinary life of Exmoor artist and writer Hope Bourne.

Exhibitions and competitions will also play a part in the 2014 Festival event schedule, which promises to be the best yet!

ARTWORK pictured: by Michael Heslop, courtesy Churchgate Gallery, Porlock.